Sunnybrook 990 Forms:

A Commitment to Accountability

View Our 990 Forms

Discover how Sunnybrook maintains transparency and accountability through our detailed 990 Forms for the years 2021, 2022, and 2023.

1. What is IRS Form 990?

Form 990 is an annual informational return that most tax-exempt organizations, including Sunnybrook Children’s Home, are required to file with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It provides a transparent look at our financial health, governance, and the impact of our programs.

2. Why does Sunnybrook share its Form 990s?

As a faith-based nonprofit serving vulnerable children and youth, we are committed to transparency and accountability. Sharing our 990s publicly helps donors, grantors, and the general public see how funds are used to support our mission.

3. What years are available?

We’ve made available our most recent three years of 990 filings:

4. What can I learn from reviewing Sunnybrook’s Form 990?

Each form includes information such as:

  • Revenue and expenses

  • Executive compensation

  • Program accomplishments

  • Governance practices

  • Major sources of funding

These details offer insight into how we steward resources to serve children, teens, and young adults in our care.

5. How is Form 990 different from an audit or annual report?

While a financial audit is conducted by an independent CPA firm to verify accuracy, and an annual report highlights impact stories and outcomes, the Form 990 is a standardized IRS document that provides detailed financial and operational data. All three serve different, complementary purposes.

6. Where does Sunnybrook’s funding come from?

Our funding comes from a blend of private donations, government grants, and community support. Specific revenue sources are detailed in Part VIII of each 990 form.

7. How can I ask questions or learn more about Sunnybrook’s financials?

We welcome your questions! Please contact our administrative office by emailing or filling out the contact form. You may also call our main office line at (601) 856-6555 for further information.

8. How often are these forms updated?

Form 990s are filed annually for the previous calendar year. We update this page as soon as the latest form becomes available following submission to the IRS.

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