(Jackson, Mississippi) As Mississippi and the nation mark the week of April 21 as Crime Victims’ Rights Week, Attorney General Fitch gathered with partners, Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi, and Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence, to honor those who help victims of crime recover and become survivors. Click here for a media kit with head shots for honorees.
“A criminal act causes more than the immediate loss of a precious life, physical harm, or loss of property,” said Attorney General Lynn Fitch. “When a person is victimized by another’s criminal act, their sense of security and peace, hope and trust is destroyed, and it takes time and love to rebuild those. This week, we celebrate the men and women across Mississippi who help them to forge that pathway to recovery. We are so thankful for those who open their hearts to others to help victims become survivors.”
As part of the Attorney General’s Office Annual Crime Victims’ Rights Week Awards Ceremony, General Fitch honored the life and legacy of Madison Police Officer Horren Randy Tyler, who was killed in action on June 1, 2023, at a hostage situation in Brandon, Mississippi. She presented his posthumous Outstanding Service to Crime Victims Award to Madison Police Chief Gene Waldrop and Officer Tyler’s family. “Randy Tyler’s was a life of service toothers,” said General Fitch. “He never hesitated to put his own life at risk to help those around him. He was a pillar of our community and will never be forgotten. Our prayers continue for his dear family for their loss.”
General Fitch welcomed two of the Attorney General’s Office partners to also present awards. Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence (MCADV) honored Sarah Bradley of Catholic Charities in Jackson with their Outstanding Service to Crime Victims Award. “Sarah Bradley has been a driving force behind programs that have made a tangible impact on the lives of those in need,” said Dr. LaVerne Jackson, Executive Director of MCADV. “During her 26 years at Catholic Charities Jackson Victim Services, her unwavering compassion has been a beacon of hope, offering support and empowerment to those facing challenging circumstances. In the realm of domestic violence prevention, her impactful contributions span across Support, Education, and Advocacy initiatives. She is respected by her peers for her unwavering dedication, and she is admired for her commitment to community. As a thought leader and advocate for domestic violence and sexual assault prevention, Sarah continues to make a lasting impact on her community.”
Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi (CACM) presented their Outstanding Service to Crime Victims Award to Detective Sergeant Chris Kloc of Gulfport Police Department. “Detective Sergeant Kloc is admired among colleagues as an expert in his field who goes above and beyond the expectations of his role to support child victims and their families; enhances the work of the Harrison County Multidisciplinary Team; and upholds the mission of child advocacy center response,” said Karla Tye, Chief Executive Officer for CACM. “Recently, Det. Sgt. Kloc’s compassion for children led him to develop a task force among Harrison County’s multidisciplinary team members that encourages additional collaboration at the beginning of an abuse investigation to help build a stronger case, provide support for children and their families, and better outcomes for survivors of abuse. His concern for children’s wellbeing and safety is unwavering and drives him to elicit a call to action not only among team members but in his community as well. We are grateful for Det. Sgt. Kloc’s passion and commitment shown when fighting for child victims. He is innovative, courageous, and demonstrates tremendous compassion and integrity to those who need it most.”
In addition, Attorney General Fitch presented Victim Advocacy Excellence Awards to sixteen organizations for their work with victims of crime. These organizations include the recipients of grants from the Victims of Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation Fund over the past two years. The Attorney General’s Office has administered the Fund since 2020 when it was established by the Legislature to provide funds to organizations that serve victims of human trafficking. The recipients of the 2024 Victim Advocacy Excellence Awards are:
- Canopy Children’s Solutions
- Center for Violence Prevention
- Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi
- Christians in Action
- Domestic Abuse Family Shelter
- El Pueblo
- Gulf Coast Center for Nonviolence
- Hope Village for Children
- Methodist Children’s Homes of Mississippi
- Mississippians Against Human Trafficking
- Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault
- Mississippi Families for Kids
- Natchez Children’s Services
- Southern Christian Services
- Sunnybrook Children’s Home
Click here for more information on the Victims of Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation Fund and the grant recipients for the first two rounds of funding.
Click here for more information about the resources and services the Attorney General’s Office offers for victims of crime, including:
- The Mississippi Victim Services Resource Directory and an interactive map of county resources;
- Mississippi’s Victim Compensation Program;
- Interactive online program for creating a Domestic Abuse Protection Order petition;
- Brochures on dating violence, crime victims’ bill of rights, stalking, revenge porn, sexual assault victims’ bill of rights, and more.
In addition, the Attorney General’s Office offers a variety of resources to law enforcement to help them serve victims of crime, including the Domestic Violence Registry and Protection Order Registry, the nation’s first to combine both civil and criminal protection orders in a single location.
To view the press release or to access additional resources and information from Attorney General Lynn Fitch, please click here.